IIM Management Excellence Award 2015

DSJ was honored with “IIM Management Excellence Award 2015” by “The International Institute of Management” on 12 November 2015. The IIM Management Excellence Award (ME) scheme is marching into the third year. It adopts a holistic approach, taking into account not just the end results – the bottom-line results – but also key factors that contribute towards these ultimate achievements, such as strategy formulation, internal communication, organizational learning, knowledge management, innovation, customer & employee engagement, and Corporate social responsibility (CSR).



Organization successes, be they private profit-oriented or public service / welfare-oriented, depend much on how well they are led by farsighted top management, and how effectively and efficiently their operations are managed.



Riding on the credit and commendations that IIM has earned in the last two years since launching the ME Award, Council members and past awardees managed to nominate over a dozen companies to compete for this year’s award. After painstaking scrutinization our internal working committee recommended nine candidates to our Judging Panel for final consideration. After rigorous deliberation, eight nominees were ultimately accepted to this year’s winning list.