CJNA October 2017 (ISSUE #230)
DSJ appreciates and thanks the latest issue of CJNA (ISSUE#230) and JNA (ISSUE#398) for introduction of our Toucan Pendant(Design No.: A26712)! Diamond jewellery is in harmony with nature. It not o...
DSJ.2017 New Booth Design
Dai Sun Jewellery Company Limited (DSJ) participated “Hong Kong International Jewellery Show” in March 2017 with the new modern booth design! 3D Design Sketch The theme colou...
Caring Company 2014-2017
DSJ has been awarded the achievements in the ”Caring Company Scheme 2014-2017” on 10th March 2017. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service is delighted to award the Caring Company Logo in recognition o...
Hong Kong International Jewellery Show.Printed Invitation Letter Policy Adjustment Notice
To: our Valued Customers and DSJ Jewellery Club Members, According to the latest information of admission arrangement from HKTDC, the Printed Invitation Cards have been cancelled since Hong Ko...